Where is the best place to put a roof lantern?

Roof lanterns are a great way to bring more natural light into your home and create more space. They add a statement to any room they are in and can be customised to suit what you need. 

Whether you are planning a new extension or you are redesigning your home, roof lanterns help optimise the amount of natural light you get. 

But, where is the best place to put a roof lantern?  


Can You Put a Roof Lantern on a Pitched Roof?

Roof lanterns can’t be installed onto a pitched roof. There are many different reasons why you can’t put one in a pitched roof such as the structural constraints that they have. 

As well as this, the weight distribution is something to take into consideration. A pitched room may not be able to take the strain and can lead to damage to your home.  

However, adding a roof lantern to a flat roof is a great way to open up an area and let more light in. 

What is The Best Position for a Roof Lantern?

The orientation of a roof lantern depends on the room it is in. When you are looking to install one into your home, take into consideration the type of light you would. 

The different facings will give you do benefits, such as:

– North facing: If you want to benefit from neutral light throughout the day.

– East facing: If you want to benefit from sunlight during the morning with it declining throughout the day. 

– South facing: If you want to benefit from sunlight for most of the day 

– West facing: If you want to benefit from natural light for the longest amount of time.


What Rooms Are The Best for Roof Lanterns? 

You can have a roof lantern in any room that has a flat roof. When choosing when you would like a roof lantern, take into consideration that it might bring too much sunlight into the room. If you add a roof lantern into your lounge, it can increase the amount of glare you get on your TV screen. 

Kitchen roof lanterns can help create the feeling of more space, especially in small kitchens. Our Korniche Roof Lantern is a good way to open up your kitchen. They allow for more light to come into your home whilst still maintaining the temperature.  Korniche Roof Lanterns are made from aluminium, the slimmer structure gives you more glass. 

If you are looking for a roof lantern that is lower in cost, then our Wendland Roof Lantern is a great choice. Made from UPVC it is a good alternative to aluminium. By using thermal features, you wont need to worry about condensation affecting your roof light. 

Having a roof lantern in your home lets natural light fill a room, rather than shining through one window.

What Size Roof Lantern Do I Need? 

The size of your roof lantern depends on the size of your house and the budget you have. You can choose from many different sizes, from standard shapes to more unique shapes. 

If you are looking for a square roof light, they start at 850mm by 850mm. The largest standard size is 3000mm by 3000mm. 

You might have a bigger roof space and want to put a rectangular shaped roof lantern in. The smallest size is 1000mm by 1000mm and the largest is 6000mm by 4000mm. 

However, if you wanted a unique shape a bespoke roof lantern would be the best option. Before sending over sizes, we will work with you to create drawings of your custom roof lantern. 

If you are unsure how to measure for your roof lantern, we have a helpful guide to make sure you get the right size. 

Do I Need Roof Lantern Planning Permission? 

Before you purchase your roof lantern, there are some things you need to be aware of. An important question to ask is, do roof lanterns need planning permission?

Planning permission varies around the country. Your first point of call should be checking with your Local Planning Authority. They will be able to guide you through the process and advice if you need planning permission or not.

If you are planning to put a roof lantern in an approved, new extension, you don’t need any additional permission. 

Some considerations to take for planning permission:

You may need to seek permission if: the roof lantern is higher than the existing roofline. 

You might not need permission if: the roof lantern isn’t higher than 4m from ground level. 

There are different planning rules if: you live in a flat, maisonette or converted house. 

What About Building Regulations?

Even if your roof lantern doesn’t need planning permission, there are building regulations that need to be considered as well.

Structural integrity:

Getting an expert structural engineer is important when adding a roof lantern to your house. You will need to make alterations to your room and reinforcements might be required to support the weight of the roof lantern.  


When the roof lantern has been fitted into your home, you will need to make sure it is weatherproof. Normally this is done by using lead flashing around the edges the roof lantern meets the roof. 

Energy efficient:

Roof lanterns that have been installed will need to meet the requirements on the amount of heat that can pass through the windows. You can check how well the roof lantern is doing this by using the U-value

Get In Touch For The Perfect Roof Lantern 

Whatever the shape or size of your roof lantern, the Rooflight Centre can help with anything you need. Contact us for expert advice and fill your home with light with a roof lantern.  

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