For modern homeowners and property developers, aluminium folding doors are extremely popular. Often placed at the back of the property and forming part of an extension, aluminium folding doors look fantastic and open a property up significantly.
When it comes to bifold doors, you have a number of material options. The frames of modern folding doors are typically made from uPVC, timber or aluminium. With aluminium bifold exterior doors being such a popular option, we are going to examine aluminium as a material option: ultimately determining the benefits of aluminium folding doors.

Aluminium Bifold Doors Cost
Aluminium bifold doors are an extremely popular addition to modern properties. This is for good reason. Although aluminium folding doors represent the higher end of the market (in comparison to uPVC), they offer fantastic value for money. Durable and lightweight with a sleek modern finish, aluminium creates practical and contemporary frames for folding doors.
For people on a strict budget, aluminium bifold exterior doors may not be the best choice. This is because alternatives such as uPVC tend to cost half as much. With cheaper alternatives however, you may end up paying more to maintain or replace them should they break. Although the initial cost of aluminium bifold exterior doors is perhaps more, most of the time you are getting a superior product that lasts longer and is more versatile. Besides aluminium bifold doors cost, there are other considerations.

Aluminium Folding Doors: What are the Benefits of Aluminium?
Beyond the aluminium bifold doors cost, there are a number of notable benefits you can enjoy. These include:
As already mentioned, aluminium folding doors far exceed uPVC alternatives in regard to versatility and durability. The aluminium framing on folding doors is far better equipped to deal with the unpredictability of British weather, and is less likely to split or, in the heat, warp and bend. If durability and reduced maintenance is important to you, aluminium doors provide this.
Aesthetic Value
Aluminium bifold exterior doors offer tonnes of aesthetic value, and are the go to choice for high end property developers or those looking to create a modern finish. In comparison to uPVC, aluminium framing looks sleek, modern and professional. In addition to this, the frames tend to be thinner which allows for more glass to be used. This further supports that sleek, contemporary look. Easily customisable and available in a range of colours and finishes, aluminium folding doors are a great choice where aesthetic matters.
Thermal Efficiency
The fantastic thing about aluminium bifold doors is their thermal efficiency. If coupled with double glazing, they provide high levels of thermal efficiency which is great in winter as well as for keeping bills down.

Aluminium Folding Doors at The Rooflight Centre
Here at The Rooflight Centre, we have a range of folding doors available to suit different design schemes and budgets. Our range of Korniche Bifold Doors feature aluminium framing so you can enjoy many of the benefits discussed in this article. For more information on our range, click here.